Marc Henderson.
In which decade were you born, and where?
1970’s, Lanark, Scotland.
Piping/ Drumming Background, other bands:
Carluke Caledonian PB; Baron of Lee PB; Southern Indiana Pipes & Drums; Indiana Caledonia PB.
I started learning when I was 8 years old but stopped in my mid-teens. I rediscovered my love of piping, after a serious head injury :-P, when we moved to the U.S in 2001!
My wife (then girlfriend) didn’t know I played the pipes for the first few years we dated, until a rogue set appeared at a party one night… Too late, she was trapped by then!
Do you play any other instruments?
Guitar; Didgeridoo.
Any other major hobbies?
Isn’t Piping/ Band enough?
Favorite Quote:
“Let's think the unthinkable, let's do the undoable. Let us prepare to grapple with the ineffable itself and see if we may not eff it after all.” - Dirk Gently