Barbara Hass Jacobus
In which decade were you born, and where?
1970s, Bad Axe, Michigan, USA
Teaching Professor of Biology
Piping/ Drumming Background, other bands:
My only drumming background was playing percussion in junior high school marching band. I began learning bagpipes after our daughter started lessons but I'm a slow learner. When our daughter joined Fountain Trust Pipe Band, the band didn't know how else to keep me out of trouble during practices and performances, so they had me give the bass drum a try. I'm now taking lessons to learn pipe band-style bass drumming.
Do you play any other instruments?
piano, chimes, and a very wee bit of guitar
Any other major hobbies?
counted cross-stitch; rubber stamping crafts; gardening - especially carnivorous plants
Favorite Quote:
"No, try not. Do, or do not. There is no try." - Yoda